Saturday, February 7, 2015

Maritime Ships Database

<This is a personal weblog which I write for my own entertainment, and hopefully the entertainment of my readers along the way.
The views/opinions/experiences are those of myself, and in no way shape or form is in relation nor reflects those of  my current or former employers, or schools and academic institutes.
I link to external sites within my pages, I do not necessarily agree or disagree with their data, content, views, etc. I post these links for my audience>

A cool way to find most of the ship's database. For those who are joiners and want to know what type and kind of vessel your going to work, this is one of the best PC software for you.

Very easy and friendly to use
1. File: Open Database, Web-Site, Exit
2. Statistics of Ship Type, Ships Flag, Build year and Engine makers
3. Print ship details
4. Update of Maritime Ship Database
5. Help file
6. About Maritime Ship Database
7. Exit Maritime Ship Database
8. Maritime Ship Database Web-Site
9. Open Ships Database
10. Search by Keyword
11. Search by Ship Type
12. Sort rows by clicking to column name
13. Search by Ship Name
14. Search by Flag
15. Search by IMO Number
16. Search by Build Year
17. Search by Ship Operator

Go to the website and download the program. Works on Windows 8.

Copyright Theft / Piracy
I sometimes write posts, or post links to ‘illegal’ sites or ideas; i.e. software ‘piracy’ or copyright ‘theft'; I neither condone or recommend following my example; assume that I have linked, or posted these for academic reasons only and that i am not actively breaking the “Law”; heck who doesn’t like tinkering.

Please don’t assume anything I have done / linked to / said etc is a good idea; I am in no way condoning copyright theft despite making a complete digital copy of something in no way removes the original from any one… so is hard to call theft. and Piracy is a sucky name for it too! I still recommend you to download the paid software and app after the test.

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